Recent Concrete Line Pumping Project: Yates Power Plant - Georgia Power
Project description: Pumped 8,479 yards of slurry mix with our 750-18 Schwing pump. An old 14-foot square concrete pipe was re-lined with a 9-foot steel round pipe for new chiller towers. We encased this steel pipe with the slurry mix; averages 350 yards a day. We pumped from within the pipe to 3- inch ball valves located every 300 feet. There were 4 sections: 2 supplies and 2 returns. The farthest was a 1,635-foot run of 3-inch pipe. The concrete supplier was a mix on-site plant. The job was completed in 24 work days.
Yates Power PlantGeorgia Power moreShotcreteSwimming Pool moreStairs andMazzanines moreCommercialPipeline In-Fill more
© 2024 Jensen’s Concrete Line Pumping, Inc. in Marietta, Georgia
770.644.0066 “Serving the Southeast”